
At Steele we strive to put education at the forefront of each end user and their experience at Steele. With the only Industry Live Chat on our site end users get unrestricted access to our team of experts for consultation around the clock. We understand that night vision is not a 9-5 job and our team is dedicated to having the most available support within the industry.

[email protected] or call (800) 674-7302

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Law Enforcement

Steele partners with numerous law enforcement agencies to meet their mission critical applications within the night vision spectrum. Steele Industries has a growing record of accomplishments to satisfy agencies as a whole or the officers who entrust in our products to meet the growing demands of their jobs. For individual officers or purchasing officers who seek a custom solution to meet their needs please email.

[email protected] or call (800) 674-7302

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U.S. Government Agencies

U.S. Government entities with interests in night vision systems have trusted Steele’s commitment to excellence in quality, delivery, and cost competitive solutions to meet or exceed the needs of both individual end users and organizations alike. Steele will continue to delivery quality services to our partners within the U.S. Government and for those seeking assistance please email.

[email protected] or call (800) 674-7302

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International law enforcement agencies and foreign military organizations have come to rely on Steele Industries for our unwavering commitment to quality, timely delivery, and cost-effective solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of both individual users and larger organizations. Steele Industries will continue to provide exceptional service to our global partners. For inquiries or assistance please email.